Vibrant Bouquet
Make them smile with this bright & bold bouquet. Featuring Columbian Roses, Germini Whisper, Santini & Alstroemeria this beautiful bouquet is bursting with colour - guaranteed to brighten up someone's day.
Bouquet contains:
Germini Whisper x 2 Stems
Columbian Roses x 3 Stems
Santini x 3 Stems
Alstroemeria x 2 Stems
Solidago x 1 Stem
(Vase is Not Included)
Freshness Guaranteed :
We send our flowers in bud to ensure they're at their freshest and this stunning bouquet is guaranteed to stay fresh and beautiful for 5 days.
Guard petals :
Roses naturally grow outer protective guard petals, depending on the rose we may leave these guard petals to protect them whilst they're on their way to your loved one where they are easily removed.
Stem Counts:
Stem counts may vary depending on exchange rate and season variables.
Delivery :
We'll deliver this gift in a protective box hand delivered by our delivery partner. Delivery not available on Sundays & UK public holidays.
Product Code - WS2846